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High precision current sensor improves the accuracy of electric vehicle battery charging and discharging testing


During the charging and discharging process of a battery pack in a charging and discharging system, the capacitance or SOC of the battery changes. Currently, the accuracy of SOC related parameters of the battery is low, and battery R&D engineers are also trying their best to improve the accuracy of the battery SOC index. The SOC parameters of the battery are usually calculated based on the charging and discharging time or the internal impedance value of the battery. But from another perspective, SOC is also a parameter that reflects the internal energy changes of the battery, that is, the charging and discharging process is also the process of energy injection and release in the battery. In order to obtain the parameters of battery injection and release of electrical energy, Flagsensor has launched a high-precision current sensor and power analyzer testing method. Compared with traditional charging and discharging systems, the power analyzer can not only test the voltage, current, and power at both ends of the battery, but also integrate the measured values (as shown in Figure 1) to obtain the parameters of injected or released electrical energy into the battery over a period of time, which can help battery development engineers calculate the battery SOC change more accurately.